Thursday, August 04, 2005


This is a poem based on just that general feeling you get when doubt settles in during a relationship. It comes out of nowhere, and is probably based on nothing, and will probably go away when the current situation passes, but nonetheless, it is there.

In my soul it rests.
A feeling deeper than anything.
I don’t want it there.
It doesn’t belong there.
What happened to the old days?
When we were happy together?
No care in the world.
Suddenly gone.

I don’t want to admit it.
I want to deny it.
To deny it would be to get rid of it.
I thought I had made the right decision for once.
But now I’m having second thoughts.
But why?

Is it based on anything?
Or is it just a random feeling that’s coming from nowhere?
Perhaps I must face it.
Discuss it, be open with it.
But perhaps that will instill it where I don’t want it.
Who knows.

Ah well, guess I shall deny it for now.
Wait until it is so large that it hurts.
Perhaps it never will.
That’d be nice.
Yeah, right.


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