Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Musings On Love

This poem was written at a point when my heart was trying to mend itself. I won't discuss what had happened to it, as that is a moment best forgotten anyway. Suffice it to say that this poem is rather interesting. I almost don't want to call it a poem, but that's what it is. I can't argue with fact.

How can we ever truly know what Love is?
Do we believe our hearts?
Do we follow our minds?
Or do we just do what feels comfortable?
Does Love involve taking chances?
In that case, do we weigh the risks against the benefits?
Or do we just go along with it?
Love is such a lonely road.
It goes on and on,
And often, you are by yourself.
Oh, sure, you pass others, and some walk with you,
But you continue on, ever forward.
Sometimes you turn around,
And go back the way you came,
But then you lose sight of the goal.
Is there a goal?
Or does the road just continue on forever?
Are we always working towards something greater?
Or are we meant to travel the path with someone else?
What if you never run into that someone else?
What if you leave them behind?
How will we ever know?
Can we ever truly know our True Love?
Perhaps we never do.
I hope that when my True Love shows,
I will not pass her on for something "greater."

Always On My Mind

This poem is really not too far from the truth. This continues this lonely romantic streak of mine. I fixed up the end a little bit. It's rather interesting. Hope this one either makes you smile, or makes you think. One name comes to mind as I'm writing this poem. And she knows which name I'm thinking about.

From the moment I wake up
Until I lay back down to sleep,
And even in-between,
You're on my mind.
I can't stop thinking about you.
Every romantic film I watch,
Every love song I hear,
Reminds me of you.
Words pour out of my heart
Emotions stream from my mind
And they all belong to you.
The loneliness I feel during the day,
The chill brought on by night
Is all the distance between us.
And yet, I wonder if these thoughts
    These feelings
Are mine alone.
Should I continue in this course
Or will it only lead to a sadness
Greater even than this?
Do you feel the same way?
I may never know.
Perhaps it's better that way.
Maybe my loneliness is sweeter
When I've something to hope for.
Maybe my dreams are more delightful
When it's a love based only on my feelings.
I can only imagine you feel much the same way,
But due to circumstances are unable to tell me.
Oh for a day when secrets can be shared,
And the mists of confusion banished.
Either way,
Are always on my mind.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Yeah, in case you can't tell, I'm feeling awful romantic lately. (Oh, and I'm terribly single right now *hint hint, nudge nudge*) In all seriousness (yeah right) I gotta' say, look past the words (which can in no way do justice to the situations they describe) to the situations themselves. This one is more about emotions than beautiful writing. (Though there is some of that in here.)

When you imagine
You and me, holding each other close,
Staring into each other's eyes,
Does it give you shivers?
When you see
The blues, greys, greens, and browns of my eyes,
Grinning, twinkling impishly at you,
Does it give you shivers?
When you hear
The sweet nothings,
Proclaiming my neverending love for you,
Does it give you shivers?
When you smell
The musky tone of my cologne,
Or the scent of a hard days work,
Does it give you shivers?
When you feel
My breath sliding across your skin
Small wisps of cool, warm air,
Does it give you shivers?
When you taste
My lips dancing on yours,
Our breath talking together,
Does it give you shivers?