Sunday, November 27, 2005

Oh to be

This is a nice poem. I know mostly none of these stages, yet here they are, in my naive version of understanding. As usual: enjoy.

Oh to be a child again:
To trust with implicit trust
Anything and everything said to you.
Or to be a teenager again:
To rebel against authority
Without regards to what is really best.
Or to be a young adult again:
Striving to be the best
No matter what the cost,
Even if it’s your values.
Or to be wise again:
Knowing all the other stages,
Yet knowing that they are for naught.
Oh to be alive again:
To be able to trust, as you see fit.
To be able to rebel, when time requires.
To strive to be the greatest, while aiding those around you.
To know all, and try all, yet arrive at the same fate as all.
Oh to be alive again.


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